Sunday 24 April 2011

March 6

7 weeks later...

Message, to Haley from Kevin: "Hi, yes, I do, or did. We went out for a few months.. I've got a couple ideas why you're asking?"

I already knew it was him; I had known since I saw his picture.

Message, to Kevin from Haley: "Well, she's my biological Mom."

I guess I wasn't beating around the bush. A far cry from my first hesitant and safe, 'where did you go to high school' message.

Message, to Haley from Kevin: "I'm likely the other half..."

Oh. my. gosh. Had I really known before? Maybe not. I think there were definitely doubts, because that phrase just about killed me. This is the point where all of those fears came rumbling back into my mind. It's been over five years since my short-lived reunion with my birth-mother. Can I really do this again? How many years of healing will this one take?

Message, to Kevin from Haley: "Wow! I've been looking for a while. Mostly just curious :) I was born in August 1983."

Was I being honest? I don't know. I was curious, but what was I really curious about?

Do I look like you? Do I speak like you? Did you ever want me?

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